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Natural & elegant rustic furniture & Glass Top Tables
Glass top tables
wooden top rootball table
Stump  tables
the burly figured wood of Kansas Burr Oak
Coffee  tables
Not a live tree falls
for our burnishments.
Spalted Oak Bench



Slab coffee in progress
Slab Tables
In progress
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Email      mikejust3022@gmail.com
Rustic Furniture from the log - Glass Top Tables - Tree Table
P.O. Box 143,  Wilson, Kansas, 67490, US
Copyright 1996 - 2019 - Mike Just - Rustic, natural, organic. Elegant root Furniture - Glass Top stump Tables - Art Furniture - Sculpture All images, rustic furniture design elements and other content represented on this web site are protected under United States and International copyright laws and are the sole property of Michael W. Just, unless otherwise noted. All use and/or publication rights are reserved, worldwide. All represented images and content are not in the Public Domain. No images, or furnishing designs represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of an authorized representative of Rustic Oak, Mike W. Just, TreeTables.com. Simply Ask.
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Garden Benches
Often, I am asked; "Is there a wood that can be used outside? Exterior garden benches is generally the subject. A wooden yet durable, exterior, garden bench. The answer is YES there are such woods and a simple fence post provides proof positive.
oak tree bench
What wood do farmers use for fence posts?
A fence post is stuck into the ground where it is moist. A LOT more moisture than most garden benches will ever see. IN the ground, the wood is subject to rot and insects. Due to the high cost of fencing, farmers are not about to use woods that will easily rot. So, what DO they use? WHITE Oak and Hedge. I emphasize the WHITE of white oak because there are other speci of oak I would not reccommend for this use. White Oak is the toughest of oaks and, along with Hedge, has been used as fence posts for about a century in the U.S.A.. Europe, a lot longer. Thus, for a natural long lasting outdoor garden bench - White Oak or Hedge.
To view a number of White Oak bench designs that can be used for garden benches, click here. All of the benches and most of the other furnisihgs you will find on my website are made of White Oak. The particular sub-speci is Burr Oak, of Kansas. An incredibly pretty wood.
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