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Natural & elegant rustic furniture & Glass Top Tables
Glass top tables
wooden top rootball table
Stump  tables
the burly figured wood of Kansas Burr Oak
Coffee  tables
Not a live tree falls
for our burnishments.
Spalted Oak Bench



Slab coffee in progress
Slab Tables
In progress
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Email      mikejust3022@gmail.com
Rustic Furniture from the log - Glass Top Tables - Tree Table
P.O. Box 143,  Wilson, Kansas, 67490, US
Copyright 1996 - 2019 - Mike Just - Rustic, natural, organic. Elegant root Furniture - Glass Top stump Tables - Art Furniture - Sculpture All images, rustic furniture design elements and other content represented on this web site are protected under United States and International copyright laws and are the sole property of Michael W. Just, unless otherwise noted. All use and/or publication rights are reserved, worldwide. All represented images and content are not in the Public Domain. No images, or furnishing designs represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of an authorized representative of Rustic Oak, Mike W. Just, TreeTables.com. Simply Ask.
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Available as a foyer, entryway, dining, conference, cocktail or occasional tabable use.
Tangle Table Details
The "no holds barred" approach to detailing the tangle table leads us in the end, to it's final finishing. Below is a closer view of the workmanship created at our design shoppe. Scroll down for more narative.
I don't recall the particular year I made the conscious decision. That decision to give all to creating a style of natural table that would exude the " peace and tranquility" that is offered up by nature. I do remember thinking that what I was seeking was an affect upon human senses and not just a " look ". That, the measure of achievement would be a feeling, inside, rather than just a visual experience. And that I would KNOW it was achieved when I heard descriptive to that affect, come out of the mouths of my clients.
A tangle table may be comprised of hundreds of joints. Each meticulously created to be invisible. To appear as though the tree table grew together, naturally. A great number of methods were employed in achieving the results we have today. Additionally, the final finish is .. How can I say .. Baby soft to the touch. Actually softer. You may stroke your hand over the piece and it feels smooth as polished glass. Yet, at the same time maintains the natural character traits that are so enthralling to view.  See one such natural character trait, below.
Character traits are many. They can be swirling grains, knots (as pictured above), worm holes or, even an irregular  crack. Whatever they are; everyone of them is given special attention as to detailing. We treat them like gold, marvel at their creation and incorporate them into the design for you because they, in their combined presence, the magestry of the creation. A creation not of our own human making but, one man could never achieve of his own making. We remain constantly awed into humbleness by His creation.

Should you have such a creation, you will not need words to describe the inspiration. It simply speaks for ittself.

Our job, as we work on your piece, is to get man out of the way. To NOT show ourselves. NO scratches, no marks whatsoever. Nothing to say that man was around. When man shows up making his mark, the grace and beauty of nature begins to disappear.

It is natures beauty that we wish to bring to you, not ourselves.

May you find the peace and grace of nature, now.

Kindest of Regards,

Mike Just, Designer